Project Feeder Watch: November

Project Feeder Watch: November
Blue Jay, Sibley IA

If you’ve never heard of Project Feeder Watch, it’s a program held by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and runs from November 1st through April 30th. You register your feeder site online and then count the birds you get during two day spans. My count started on November 3rd-4th and I hadn’t thought to take photos until after those first two days. I’ve had a cardinal show up so far, as well as several blue jays, house sparrows, downy woodpeckers and even a red bellied woodpecker. I thought it would be interesting to keep track week to week and see what shows up through the winter. I do have to take these photos through a window so the quality may suffer just a little but I think they still look great. In total I have had 14 species show up in the month of November.

Elle B Photography
Bird, wildlife and nature photography