Photo Spotlight: Cats

Photo Spotlight: Cats
Orange Tabby Cat, Sibley IA

I absolutely love taking photos of cats. Anytime I see a cat I beg my partner to stop the car so I can snap a photo. Most cats will hang around and allow me to get a few shots and they almost always turn out so nice. One of my favorite things about cats is their eyes; they’re piercing and soulful and come in such a beautiful range of colors. In this post I wanted to spotlight some of my favorite photos of these beautiful creatures:

Tuxedo Cat, Sibley IA
Black Cat, Sibley IA
Tabby Tortoise Cat, Sibley IA

Orange and White Tabby Cat, Sibley IA
Calico Cat, Ocheyedan IA
Tabby Cat, Lake Bella MN
Elle B Photography
Bird, wildlife and nature photography