Lifer List 6-10

Lifer List 6-10
Wild Turkey, Spirit Lake IA

For the next set of five birds, we will start with the Wild Turkey. These guys are surprisingly everywhere and usually stick around long enough to snap some photos. I love this photo in particular because even though it was taken in the Spring, its giving Fall vibes for sure.

Wild Turkey, Spirit Lake IA

Now for one of my favorites, the Black-Capped Chickadee. These little birds are so fast, and so sassy. They flit around and make the cutest little chirping and often times seem to be in little groups. They are a favorite at my feeder although they don’t visit super often. This was another instance of chromatic aberration that I really struggled with, but again have since improved.

Black-Capped Chickadee, Worthington MN

This bird seems to be a little controversial in the feeding world due to it being an invasive species. I find House Sparrows to be very cute, and since there really isn’t anything that can be done about them being invasive, they are welcome at my feeders. They‘re little piglets for sure, and typically during winter is when I see them feeding the most.

House Sparrow, Sibley IA

During Spring I had SO many American Robins at my feeders. Robins typically eat worms but are technically omnivores and will eat fruits and seeds. They seem to love peanut suet and mealworms, ( I put the dried kind in my tray ) and they def loved the jelly feeders I had out for the Orioles

American Robin, Sibley IA

And last but certainly not least for this post, the House Finch. These birds have such a striking beautiful red color splashed on their heads and chest, making them such a colorful addition to the feeders. They have a delightful song and happily chirp away while they feed. They’re typically at my feeder all during Spring and well into Summer.

Elle B Photography
Bird, wildlife and nature photography