Since I have so many birds to go through I decided to make some of these group posting have a few more birds in them. There are a few more ducks and a few more waterfowl to look at next.
There are a ton of Ring-necked Ducks here and then the next photo has a Gadwall in the center. These are photos I really would love to improve in the coming new year.

The Northern Shoveler is a super cool duck, and again one I really want to improve my shots on. The bill is massive and gives them such a unique look. And then there is the American Coot, aka mud hen. They are not ducks but more like chickens in their behavior. One more water bird I found early on was the Pied-billed Grebe. They’re a smaller bird that will dive under water to find fish.

There are a few Greater and Lesser Scaups in the next photo and at the risk of sounding repetitive I would love to get some better photos of these guys as well.

I didn’t realize how many water type birds would be in this post but here we are lol. There are two types of seagulls in the next photo, the brownish colored gull is a Herring Gull, while the smaller size gull is a Ring-billed Gull. Last but not least, I’ll round this post off with a non water bird, the Song Sparrow.