Lake Bella is probably my favorite place to go and take photos. There is always a diverse variety of birds, mammals and insects And I can always manage to get some great shots here. Pretty often I find a lot of Thirteen-Line Ground Squirrels and they are always willing to strike a cute lil pose for me.
Lately there have been a ton of American White Pelicans stopping to rest at the lake on their migrating path and they always make great subjects for a photo. Nearby where I find the pelicans there is usually at least one Belted Kingfisher hanging around and today was no exception. I don’t typically like to take photos of birds sitting on power lines but I could not resist this gal today.
There are a bunch of sand pits and little off shoot roads around Lake Bella and my partner and I like to explore as many of them as we can in search of the critters. The road we went down today led us to some dried up creek beds and small ponds that were filled with American Bullfrogs. Most of them squeaked their displeasure with us and fled the scene but I always manage to get a sneaky shot in!
And finally to round off my day, I got to add a new bird to my lifer list, and at No. 95, I got a beautiful shot of the Greater Yellowlegs. Five more birds to go! It’s getting more difficult as the season changes to Fall to find new birds but I’m hoping with Winter I can still find some new species and finish off my goal of 100.