Goose Pond, September 11 ‘24

Goose Pond, September 11 ‘24
American Robin, Sibley IA

There is a really pretty pond just down the road from my house and I can always seem to find wildlife there. It’s super convenient and such a goldmine. It’s kind of nice to know you don’t always need to travel a long way or go to a specific nature reserve to find some cool birds.

Almost every time I go to the Goose Pond there is a Great Blue Heron there and the past few times my partner and I have gone to bird watch, he’s been hunting. I‘m not always the best at capturing special moments but I did get a shot of him catching his breakfast.

The Herons are always beautiful but this morning had an even better treat in store for me, a female Belted Kingfisher was sitting in the trees! She sat perfectly still and posed for photos for quite some time. Kingfishers are one of my favorite birds and I haven’t had many opportunities to get some closeup photos like this. She is stunning!

Belted Kingfisher, Sibley IA
Belted Kingfisher, Sibley IA

The lovely girl even caught her own breakfast after her Blue Heron friend and let me snap a quick photo before she flew off. To round off the morning I snapped a few photos of some young Robins and a beautiful Cedar Waxwing. There were no new species for me today but any day I can find some birds I call a success !

Cedar Waxwing, Sibley IA
Elle B Photography
Bird, wildlife and nature photography