2025 Goals

2025 Goals

I have a lot of things I would like to achieve with my photography this year. First and foremost, I want to find and photograph at least one owl species. Ever since I started my journey with my camera, it has been a major goal of mine to find owls. They’re super elusive and hard to find, but I think I can do it. Second, I really want to improve my skill with dog photography. I’ve had a little bit of a struggle with it but there are so many cute and fun ideas I have that I’d love to execute. Another goal I have is to take more landscape photos, and in order to do that, I want to travel to as many National Parks as I can this year to get a wide variety of beautiful scenery.

My other major goal is to open up a shop! I have a logo designed I’d love to have on merch, and of course I want to see items with my photos on them as well. This has been a big process for me to find places to order from and go through all of the right hoops, but I hope to have the shop open in the first half of the year. I’ve been working really hard on my website to look clean and professional and I really love how it’s been looking. TikTok and YouTube are also things I’d like to look more in to this year but it isn’t a huge priority for me to achieve right now.

And as always, I’m always looking to improve my editing skills. I’ve learned a lot using Lightroom this past year and have really enjoyed finding new techniques and ways to make my photos that much more beautiful. Personally, I love using presets in Lightroom to get a different or more arty style to photos and recently received the collection from Woodland Presets for Christmas and can’t wait to utilize them in the next year. There’s also a program from Topaz Labs I want to invest in as well that uses AI to sharpen and clean up photos, that could really be a game changer for when a photo just doesn’t quite turn out.

Elle B Photography
Bird, wildlife and nature photography